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Kids n Mommies


parenting dos and donts

Parenting Dos and Don’ts for a Drama-Free Household

Parenting often feels like walking a tightrope across Niagara Falls while juggling flaming torches. Finding the proper equilibrium between enforcing discipline and showing gentleness, educating and motivating, protecting and allowing independence is no easy achievement. It’s tempting to guess your every move second and obsess over whether you’re making the […]

depression in children

Are You Making Your Kids Depressed?

Depression in children is usually caused by their surroundings and the environment in which they are in. Yet, we might tend to blame it on external situations instead of realizing that parents are likely to be one of the biggest causes of depression in their own children.

how to develop kids social skills

How to Set Your Child Up For Social Confidence? Proven Ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills from a Young Age

Nothing compares to witnessing our children grow into capable individuals before our eyes. Their development journey has many special milestones, one of the most important being cultivating social skills. This involves more than just interacting with others – it’s nurturing emotional intelligence to set them up for success.

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